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Right now we are offering a free trial account of 4 megabyte years, which can be used for storage and faxing at any rate you are comfortable with. Just click below to sign up, and in 5 minutes you can be sending, receiving and faxing files from your wireless device, using your own email address. Write to support@thinmail.com if you have any questions.

Corporations and ISP

Corporations interested in improving their mobilized workforce should contact sales@thinmail.com. We can work with you, or through your choice of consulting or system integration house, to dramatically lower the network and storage clog caused by email, and securely improve productivity by 15 minutes a day, especially to the mobile part of your workforce on modems or wireless devices.

If you run an ISP providing POP and web email to a number of people and companies, we can work with you to integrate THINMAIL services into your offering, with a copy-forward and syncronization to the user's sent folder from any wireless device.

OEMS and Communications Service Providers

Patents and Source code are available to larger entities. Mobile device manufacturers, pager network systems, telecommunication providers, interested in Thinmail services should contact oemsales@thinmail.com.