We've made many exciting upgrades to the Thinmail service, based on customer feedback. Because there are no downloads (or floppies to distribute), our upgrades are always free, fast, and fun! ----------------- CLEARER MARKET COMMUNICATIONS (http://www.thinmail.com) We have made extensive revisions to the site to make it easier to understand and use. Thinmail works for all mobile devices allowing you to use your own email address, and to send, receive, fax, and forward VIRTUAL ATTACHMENTS to anyone. You can fully integrate Thinmail and any messaging device with your existing mailbox, or use a thinmail.net address to forward to your device. Thinmail still works for anyone with email, but our primary focus is on improving the business effectiveness of pagers, wireless PDA's, and two-way messaging phones. o If you have heard wireless email was not ready for business, you should try again with Thinmail. o If you have a friend with a two-way device, ask them to test Thinmail's free trial. o If your IT department says it is STILL evaluating wireless email integration solutions, fix it yourself, right now, with Thinmail. ----------------- ENHANCEMENTS TO THE WEB (http://www.thinmail.com/tm/login) Our web interface has been extensively upgraded. Paging (20, 50 or 100 at a time) leads to a faster experience when you have lots of files. Direct download buttons, sorting, group operations, personal categories, and image previews will greet you the next time you login to Thinmail. And, you can login with just your userid instead of a whole email address. ----------------- PRECISE CONTROL OF FILE EXPIRATION ( http://www.thinmail.com/help_web.htm#expiration) Because Thinmail charges for total storage rather than messages, we allow you to easily manage your files. In your user profile, you can set default expiration dates for files, and can also set individual file expiration dates from the web or from email with the new "keep@thinmail.com" command. ----------------- ENHANCEMENTS TO EMAIL ROBOT (http://www.thinmail.com/help_email.htm) The Thinmail Robot, which processes all mail sent via Thinmail, now empowers VERY limited messaging devices, such as two-way messaging phones. Instead of sending this: From: 8005551212@revealing.cellphone.com Subject: From a Two-way Device Dear John. typing with my thumbs. want to meet for coffee? Type this: !!s Meeting,,Dear John,,,Here is my resume.,,Want to meet for coffee? and Thinmail sends this: From: Your_Real@address.com Subject: Meeting Dear John, Here is my resume. Want to meet for coffee? ----------------- Secure Credit Card Micropayments (http://www.thinmail.com/tm/buypoints) There is a growing buzz about "Micropayments" but only Thinmail has them! Our billing system uses tiny amounts of currency we call Byteyears(TM), each worth about 1/5000th of a penny. You can now purchase "Megabyte Years" (1,000,000 Byteyears) for an incredibly low introductory price of $2 each. Byteyears are used to pay for all of our services. $2 pays to store 1 Megabyte of your attachments for 360 days. But $2 will also pay for 12Mb for 30 days, or even 36Mb for 10 days! $2 will also pay for 10 pages of wireless faxing (thats 100,000 byteyears per page) in the US. Simply click on "Buy More" for easy and secure credit card purchases. Contact us at sales@thinmail.com if you would prefer a flat monthly subscription, or a callback to pay by phone. --- We are always responsive to your suggestions to improve our service. So please don't be shy! Write to support@thinmail.com with your feedback, or to be removed from this mailing list. Thanks again for being our customer! Jordan Pollack President and Chief Robot Officer http://www.thinmail.com