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Enter your 10 digit fax number for a demo


THINFAX lets you do email to fax machines, with big files, even from little wireless devices.

Thinmail lets you send email messages and print many kinds of documents to any fax machine, simply by emailing to FAX@THINMAIL.COM with a 10digit phone number as subject. Any text in the message gets on the cover page, and the attached file (or a Thinmail link) prints as well.

You can do this from any of the email addresses or devices you have "registered" with Thinmail, even wireless because a thinmail link works just like an attachment..

For example, if you've received a powerpoint for a killer new application via Thinmail, you can beam it to a nearby fax machine:

To: Fax@thinmail.com
Subject: 8005551212
John Smith, Ext 100
Dear John, Here is my Powerpoint!

Faxing from the web

You can also fax documents right from our website when you log in. Simply click the checkbox next to the files you want to fax, and click on the FAX button at the bottom of the workspace page.

Using THINFAX addresses

You can also send files or Thinmail links to 1234567890@thinfax.com, which is useful if a device, like a cellphone or pager, does not allow you to add a subject to a forwarded message.

A Thinfax address enables you to place frequent fax numbers in any address book.

Delivery Receipt

After the message is sent, you will receive back a short email that the message succeeded or failed.

Parallel Thinfaxing

You can use the 1234567890@Thinfax.com inside a list of email addresses!.

So, with a single email message, you can fax several people at once! You can mix Thinfax addresses with regular addresses, Thinmail addresses and even Thinphone addresses for a personal blast of messages, even with DOC files attached.

File Types

Thinfax can currently handle many types of files as shown below. However, it depends on the EXTENSION to the file being correct, or you may get gibberish. This is especially critical to Macintosh users.


Microsoft: DOC XLS PPT VSD

Lotus: PRE PRZ 123 LWP WK4


Corel: WPD WPG WB3


We charge only 75c for fax calls of up to 10 pages, and track your account in our billing section.