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Managing Documents Through the Thinmail Web Site

You can manage all your Thinmail documents by logging in at the Thinmail Web site. To log in, enter your email address and password and click on the log in button, or click the SERVICES ICON. Your personal workspace opens, showing a list of all the Thinmail documents you have archived.

The workspace lists the date, file name, the subject given to the most recent email to which the document was attached, the type of file (MS Word, plain text, or HTML, for example), the most recent sender or receiver, and the category (sent, received, or converted). You can look at all categories, or one category at a time, and can sort the list by clicking on one of the highlighted titles.

In front of each file name there are also a checkbox, a download button, and an icon indicating about how many days are left until the document expires. Clicking on the filename itself brings you to a detailed view from which you can perform many tasks on the individual file.

Fax, Forward, Delete, Change Category

Using the checkboxes, you can work with groups of files by checking them off and running commands from the bottom menu. From the main page you can fax stored documents, forward them to additional email addresses, delete them from the archives, or change the category.

To fax, forward, delete, or change the category or expiration data of one or more documents, first place a check mark in the box in front of the document name. Then, at the bottom of the workspace, click on the function that you want to use (Fax, Forward, Delete, Save longer, or Change Category).

For each action, a separate, new page appears. The page lists the document(s) you have selected and asks for the information necessary to complete your request.

Fax Document
  • Enter the ten digit telephone number of the destination fax machine
  • Type in a message for the cover page. (Optional)
  • Click on the Send Fax button.
Forward Document
  • Enter the email address(es) to which you want to forward the document(s).
  • Type in a Subject (Optional)
  • Type in a message for the cover page. (Optional)
  • Click on the Forward button.
Remove Document
  • Click on the OK button.

(Note: The selected document(s) remains in your workspace for 24 hours with the category listed as Trash." After 24 hours the document(s) is removed permanently.

Set Category for Document
  • Choose the preferred category from the pull down menu.
  • Click on the Change button.

Note: You can check multiple document boxes and perform the same function on all checked documents in a single operation. However, if you want to perform multiple functions, (e.g., fax a document, and then delete it, or fax one document and forward another) you must complete one function before performing the next.


Downloading documents

You can download any of your Thinmail workspace documents on your hard drive.

  • Click on the folder icon in front of the document. A Save As dialog box opens. Navigate through your directories as you normally do to save the Thinfile to the desired location.

Managing Expiration Dates

In order to allow you to use Thinmail automatically, every file you send and receive has an automatic expiration date, which is set in your global preferences. An icon indicating 30+ days, or 14-30, 7-14, or 1-7 days until a document expires is associated with each document. If you do nothing, the indicated document automatically expires in the indicated number of days. However, you may change the expiration date any time before the document expires.

  • Click on the icon indicating the number of days until expiration. An Edit Workspace Node opens showing you the document name, scheduled expiration date, and other information about the file.
  • In the Expiration Date box, type in the date or date expressions on which you want the document to expire or check the Never Expires box, which places the file in the "archive" category.
  • Confirm the new expiration date by clicking on the Update button at the bottom of the window.

You can also manage expirations by email, by forwarding links to "keep@thinmail.com" with a date expression as the subject. Our date grammar is pretty extensive, so besides actual dates, many expressions work:

first sunday in june 2002
sunday week 22 2001
22nd sunday
sunday 22nd week 2001
next friday
next month
in 3 weeks
90 days
3 weeks later
3 months later
Friday in 2 weeks
in 2 weeks on friday
last day of October
Friday (Friday of current week)
12th (day of current month)

Managing Your Profile and Preferences

At the top of your workspace, there is an Edit Your Profile Link. When you click on this link, a new page appears offering you the options listed below.

Edit Your Profile Page Options

This link…

Opens a Window so that you can…


Examine Your Account Balance

See how many byteyears you have available for storing Thinmail documents. Byteyears are our currency used for "for fee" services such as storage and faxing. You can buy millions of them for not much money with a credit card.


View Recent Transactions

Review charges made against your Thinmail account.


Change Your Password

Change Your Password

  • Enter your old password, the new password, and click on the Change Password button to confirm the change.
Global Settings

Change your primary identity in the Thinmail system and control the default expiration time for documents sent or received in your Thinmail account.

  • Enter your preferred identity and the number of days you want sent and received documents to remain in your Thinmail account in the indicated boxes.
  • Click the Save Changes button to confirm the changes.

Manage Identities


(for individual addresses registered at Thinmail)

View, manage, and add to your Thinmail identities. You can change your preferences in three categories in this window: Receive As, Send As, and Filtering.

You manage the identity associated with each address you have registered at Thinmail separately. To change any of these options, click on the preference listed in the column to the right of the identity for which you want to make changes. If you have not previously set a particular preference, click on the [edit] link in the column.

Receiving Preferences

  • Enter your preferences in the appropriate boxes on the form to:
  • reroute all messages sent to one address to another
  • choose whether or not to receive text previews of attachments
  • set the preferred length of previews
  • choose whether to display file information
  • choose text, HTML, or either as the preferred format for the body of your received messages
  • set the screen width of the device on which you will receive messages at this address
  • make all of your replies to messages received at this address go through Thinmail by choosing Reply-Through Style. By formatting other people’s addresses as Thinmail addresses, you can automatically make use of forwarding and masquerading.
  • Click on the Save Changes button to confirm your new preferences.

Follow these same steps to change receiving preferences for each address in your Thinmail account.

Sending Preferences

  • Choose the name you want to appear on email from this address. Type in the name you prefer and check the box next to Force this full name on outgoing messages.
  • Make email sent from this address appear to come from a different address by selecting the preferred address from the pull-down menu of your registered Thinmail addresses.
  • Make all replies to messages sent through your Thinmail account return through the Thinmail system by checking the Use "thin" syntax on messages I send box.
  • Click on the Save Changes button to confirm your new preferences.

Follow these same steps to change sending preferences for each address in your Thinmail account.

Filtering Preferences

  • Add to the list those addresses from which you do not want to receive mail at this address. (Or, delete addresses you want to unblock.)

Click the Done button to confirm the changes.

Add a New Identity

Register an additional email address with Thinmail.

  • Enter the new address that you want to add to your Thinmail account
  • Click on the Send Confirmation Email button to confirm the addition. You will receive an email with a code to use to confirm the addition of the new address to your account. This is necessary to prevent others from claiming your identity, and to prevent you from typographical errors!

Manage Spammers

(for all addresses registered at Thinmail)

  • Type in the new address that you wish to block
  • Select and delete any previously listed address that you want to unblock
  • Click on the Done button to confirm your changes.